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All About Dry Eyes

Woman Scarf Looking DownSometimes a person is unable to produce enough tears or their tears do not possess the right qualities to keep eyes healthy and comfortable. This can cause a consistent lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye, known as dry eyes.

Normally, the eye constantly lubricates itself with tears by producing them at a slow and steady rate, keeping itself moist and comfortable. Usually, these teams consist of three layers, an oily, a watery, and a mucus layer. Each layer has a specific role in lubricating your eyes. The oily layer is outermost. Its main purpose is to slow evaporation of the tear. The watery layer is in the middle. This makes up the majority of what a person normally thinks of as tears. This layer cleans the eye and helps to wash away small foreign objects and particles. The inner layer consists of mucus. This mucus allows the watery layer to stick to the eye and spread evenly over the eye in order to keep it lubricated. In a person with dry eyes, either hormonal changes, side effects from medication or some other factor causes the eye to either not produce enough tears, or leave out parts of the tear that make proper lubrication possible.

Scrubs with medicated soap can also lead to dryness so stick with water & warm towels.

Symptoms of dry eyes include stinging or burning in the eyes, scratchiness, and excessive irritation from smoke or wind. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, the eyes' response to the consistent irritation caused by dry eyes may also cause a person to experience excessive tearing. In this case, the eye is attempting to flush and lubricate itself by producing more tears but is unable to do so successfully due to the rate of evaporation or inability to spread the tears properly. In fact, 85% of dryness is caused by the evaporation of tears.

Although dry eyes are not always curable, your optometrist may prescribe artificial tears to help with some of the symptoms. Artificial tears are lubricating eye drops that may help with dry, scratchy feeling eyes. Different artificial tears work in different ways. Xiidra or Restasis are medicated drops that aim to help replenish natural tears from your eyes, in case they are not producing enough tears.

Artificial tears can help, but the idea is more oils in the tears.

Your eye doctor will assist you to choose which will help you most. However, these artificial tears should not be confused with eye drops that are advertised to 'get the red out.' These eye drops may indeed reduce the appearance of redness in your eyes, but this is accomplished by making the blood vessels in your eyes smaller rather than actually lubricating your eyes. As such, these drops can sometimes actually make your symptoms worse. One should also be aware that if you wear contacts, some eye drops require you to take them out before using the drops and wait 15 minutes or more before reinserting your contact lenses.

Meibomian gland dysfunction is a major cause for dryness. When the meibomian glands are blocked in a way that they can't secrete enough oil into the tears. For example, the eyes are producing the oils or they evaporate rapidly. Another cause is Blepharitis, where the eyelids need a thorough cleansing that regular soap & scrubs fail to address.

Some cases of dry eyes are seasonal, such as those which occur as a result of cold, dry winter air. In this case, your eye doctor may recommend wearing sunglasses or goggles when outdoors to reduce your eyes' exposure to the sun, wind, and dust. For indoors, your optometrist may recommend an air cleaner and humidifier to take the dust out of the air and add moisture to air which is too dry.

Studies have also shown that nutrition may have a part in helping to relieve some symptoms of dry eyes. Your eye doctor may recommend nutritional supplements such as omega-3. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are cold-water fish, cod, herring, and salmon, as well as flaxseed oil. Mild dehydration can make symptoms worse too, so be sure to drink plenty of water, 100 percent fruit, and vegetable juices and milk. Some advanced treatments like punctual plugs can help correct excessive tearing or prevent liquid from escaping the eye, yet consulting an optometrist will ensure you receive the proper treatment for your specific case of dry eye syndrome.

For more information, contact Monji Optometry so that we can help you with your dry eyes. Make an appointment with one of our eye doctors, today.